
Admit One / Collaborative Software Ltd

R&D Team Lead & Software Developer • April 2020 — Present

After 2 years of proving myself as being a software developer at Admit One, I was asked to start a new R&D subteam to focus on big picture projects. We have developed several new products and services that have been essential in aiding our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemics effects on the industry.

In fact, our quick thinking in our changes to software (seating plan algorithms, etc) during the COVID-19 pandemic was celebrated in the BBC for helping the cinema industry survive during a difficult time.

In R&D we generally use a more modern approach to development too, opting for more modern Javascript and Python solutions over our Delphi roots.

Our team have come up with exciting innovations that have saved our customers a lot of money, while creating brand new revenue streams for the company and I am proud of the work that we have accomplished.

Admit One / Collaborative Software Ltd

Software Developer • September 2018 — April 2020

Working in the cinema industry, my role at Admit One was initially to fix bugs and implement new features in our POS and back office software. This was coding primarily in Delphi, sometimes at a low-level writing win32 DLLs and sometimes at a higher service API level.

I spent my first year or so getting through my assigned tasks quickly and without handholding, learning about the products and improving my coding.

In time I was put in a more customer facing role, being sent across the world to represent the company internationally at trade shows and meetings. I enjoy interfacing with customers and have made good business relationships with a lot of them.

Resort Marketing Ltd

Junior Software / App Developer • May 2016 — September 2018

Upon leaving university, I was hired as the primary app developer at Resort Marketing Ltd. I oversaw the updating and maintenance of a dozen existing apps, across both iOS and Android.

My presence unburdened a very pressured team, and allowed them to return to generating revenue, rather than simply fixing bugs. My ability to do my job as specified, without constant monitoring, was where my value came at the start of my career.


University of the West of England

CERTHE in Games Technology • 2012 — 2015

Weymouth College

Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Interactive Media • 2010 — 2012

End of year college report

Budmouth Technology College

11 A* to C GCSEs • 2004 — 2009


Most experience with

Delphi, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP, Swift, SQL, Postgres

Some experience with

C++, C#

Years of object-oriented programming experience

I have had significant experience across the board of object-oriented languages. While I have more experience in some than others, a knowledge of the underlying concepts means I can transition between languages with ease.

Conscientious and communicative

I am highly focused and motivated on the task at hand and love solving problems. Even if a task looks tough, I'll stick at it long enough to get something working, or discuss potential other solutions when called for.

Breadth of experience across tools and workflows

My job roles haven't been at all routine. Sometimes I'll be working on web frondends, the next I'll be writing Python scripts, then I'll be working on apps. The environments I learned in has shaped my ability to work with the tools at hand, whatever they may be. It's all about getting the job done.


A1 Device (and it's many uses!)

Project lead, manager, designer and engineer • Admit One / Collaborative Software Ltd

The A1 Device is a codename for our custom computer unit that we now use in cinemas and theatres across the world. I chose the hardware components and wrote all the software myself.

They can be used to display kitchen information to chefs, or act as digital signage for customer facing screens. They also drive access control gates that can limit or control flow of customers at a site. It is a cheap, reliable computer unit designed to be user friendly and cut costs for customers, with all the software written in-house.

This was my first big R&D project and it was a great way to start working with hardware as well as software, as well as learn more about time management and delegation.

App Developer • Resort Marketing Ltd

I wrote and maintained 11 different apps during my time at Resort Marketing. They can be found on both iOS and Android stores.

Software Developer • Personal Projects

I have worked on so many projects over the years, and most of them can be found open-source on my github. Hundreds of thousands of lines of code across Android, iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux applications.

Software Developer • Personal Projects

I built a tribute to Taxi Driver in Unity as part of an online weekend game jam. It was primarily to set a scene with a keen focus on lighting. Fully created in the Unity Engine, with the scripting done in C#

Outside Interests

  • Music (From the 60's to the... Well, up to probably 2010 😂)
  • Writing and art
  • Looking after family